The BIC Ltd, Kanpur proposes to sell following items on as is where basis is. Sealed tenders are invited from Agents / Dealers / Individuals interested in purchasing the same. The bids should be in two parts
(I) Technical Bid & (II) Financial Bid. Technical bid should contain all relevant documents, Earnest Money Deposit, Quantity, Payment terms etc. Financial bid will contain only the quoted price of the item. The technical bid and the financial bid should be in two separate envelops and the envelops should be marked “technical bid for the item-----and financial bid for the item-----" along with the name and address of the firm. Sealed envelops containing technical and financial bids should be placed in another envelop duly sealed and marked with tender for purchase of Worsted Shirting / Worsted Serge and should not bear the name and address of the firm. Interested parties may send their tenders to Manager (Marketing)
Sl. No. | Item & Blend Composition | Total Qty | Place of stock | Minimum lot qty. | E. M.D. (Rs.) | Date of Inspection |
1 | Worsted Shirting Khaki 50% wool + 50% poly | 125000 M | CWM (Lalimli)Kanpur | 25000 M | 200000 | 1-10 Aug 2006 |
2 | Worsted Shirting Khaki 50% wool + 50% vis. | 45000 M | NEWM (Dhariwal)Punjab | 250.0025000 M | 117900 | 1-10 Aug 2006 |
3 | Worsted Serge Khaki 80% wool + 20% poly | 95000 M | NEWM (Dhariwal)Punjab | 25000 M | 200000 | 1-10 Aug 2006 |
BIC reserves the right to reject any or all offers without assigning any reason thereof. For further details
Manager (Marketing)
Ph. 0512-2079584